Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Hottest Cities in United States by Number of Annual 100 Degree Temperature Days

The following is a list of the hottest cities in the United States by the number of 100 degrees or above temperature days each city averages annually. Only large cities are listed, each city on the list has at least one million people living in its metro area.

That leaves out a city like Yuma, Arizona, which would probably be number one on this list if included. Yuma, Arizona is the sunniest city in the country and the world.
There are a number of smaller cities that would make this list if not for the population rule, but the majority of people are mainly, and often times solely, interested in the weather in the big cities in the United States.
Hottest Cities in United States by Number of Annual 100 Degree Temperature Days
1. Phoenix, Arizona - 107 days
Phoenix, Arizona averages 107 days a year when the temperature rises to 100 degrees or above. That easily leads this list of major United States cities that have the most days annually of 100 degrees or above temperature readings.
The all-time hottest temperature ever recorded in Phoenix is 122 degrees. Any idea what the all-time coldest temperature ever recorded in Phoenix is?
2. Las Vegas, Nevada - 70 days
Las Vegas, Nevada is second on the list, averaging 70 days a year when the temperature reaches 100 degrees or above. That is a lot of hot days, but it is 37 less 100 degree days than Phoenix averages annually.
3. Riverside, California - 24 days
Located about 60 miles east of Los Angeles, the city of Riverside, California averages 24 days a year when the temperature reaches or exceeds 100 degrees. Riverside once had a 101 degree day in late January.
4. Dallas, Texas - 17 days
Dallas, Texas averages 17 days a year when the temperature reaches or exceeds 100 degrees. That ranks fourth among the 60 largest population cities in the United States. The earliest Dallas has ever had a 100 degree day in a year is mid-April.
5. Austin, Texas - 16 days
Austin, Texas averages 16 days a year of 100 degree weather. Austin is located almost 200 miles south of Dallas.
T-6. Sacramento, California - 11 days
Sacramento, the capital city of California, averages 11 days a year of 100 degree or above weather. The earliest 100 degree day on record in Sacramento is in early May, while the latest is in early October.
T-6. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - 11 days
Oklahoma City is tied with Sacramento for sixth place, with an annual average of 11 days of 100 degree temperatures per year. Oklahoma City had a very hot 2012, with the city tying its all-time record of 113 degrees on August 3rd. It was also 112 degrees on both August 1st and August 2nd in 2012.
8.San Antonio, Texas - 8 days
San Antonio, Texas averages eight days a year when the temperature reaches or exceeds 100 degrees. It does not seem right that San Antonio, which is 250 miles south of Dallas, and 100 miles south of Austin, should have fewer 100 degree temperature days than either Dallas or Austin.
San Antonio does have a slightly higher elevation. It's located 650 feet above sea level, while the elevation in Dallas is 430 feet, and in Austin it's 489 feet.
9. Salt Lake City, Utah - 5 days
Salt Lake City, Utah averages five days of 100 degree weather temperatures per year. While it can get hot in Salt Lake City, it certainly gets a lot hotter in other parts of Utah.
I spent a week once in southern Utah with friends visiting places like Zion National Park, and we absolutely baked in the hot summer heat. We camped out a lot, and it also did not cool off that much at night.
10. Houston, Texas - 4 days
Houston, Texas rounds out the list of the top ten cities in the United States that averages the most days per year of 100 degree or above temperatures. While it surprises me that San Antonio has fewer 100 degree days than Dallas, seeing that Houston has fewer 100 degree days does not. That's because Houston is located near the cooling breezes coming off of the Gulf of Mexico. 

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