Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Record Hottest and Coldest Weather Temperatures Ever Recorded in Key West, Florida

Weather temperatures have been officially kept in Key West, Florida since 1872. These are the all-time record hottest and coldest temperatures ever recorded in Key West since 1872.

Located at the southernmost tip of the Florida Keys, the city of Key West has a much milder climate than the extremes found in the Sunshine State of Florida. This is born out by the differences between the all-time hottest and coldest temperatures ever recorded in Key West, compared to the all-time hottest and coldest temperatures recorded in Florida.
The difference between the all-time hottest and coldest temperatures ever recorded in Key West is just 56 degrees. The difference between the all-time hottest and coldest temperatures ever recorded in the state of Florida is 111 degrees; a big difference of 55 degrees.
The state of Florida is one of the least extreme weather states in the United States by temperatures.
Record Hottest and Coldest Temperatures Ever Recorded in Key West, Florida
All-time Record Hottest Temperature Ever Recorded in Key West is 97 Degrees
The hottest weather temperature ever officially recorded in the city of Key West is 97 degrees, which has occurred on two different dates. The first time is was a record 97 degrees in Key West was on July 19, 1880, the second time was on August 26, 1956.
Many people may be surprised that Key West has never had a temperature reading of 100 degrees or hotter, but the prevalent trade winds around the Florida Keys keeps the temperature below the century mark in the city. Key West averages about 51 days a year when the temperature reaches 90 degrees or above.
Key West is a major tourist destination in Florida, especially in the winter due to its extremely mild weather temperatures. It's a lot of fun driving along the Overseas Highway through the Florida Keys and over the ocean to get to Key West, and there are a lot of fun things to do in the city. Just a great place to visit.
  • Hottest Temperature Ever Recorded in Florida is 109 Degrees 
The all-time record hottest weather temperature ever recorded in the state of Florida is 109 degrees, which occurred on June 29, 1931, in Monticello, which is located about 600 miles north of Key West.

The difference between the all-time hottest temperature ever recorded in Key West (97) and the all-time hottest temperature ever recorded in the state of Florida (109) is 12 degrees. A pretty big statistical difference.
All-time Record Coldest Temperature Ever Recorded in Key West is 41 Degrees
The coldest temperature ever officially recorded in Key West is 41 degrees, which has occurred on two different dates. The first time it was a record 41 degrees in Key West was on January 12, 1886, and the second time was on January 13, 1981.
It must be nice to live in a place where the coldest temperature on record is just 41 degrees. Those of us who live in most of the rest of the United States can only dream of such a place, especially in winter.
  • Coldest Temperature Ever Recorded in Florida is -2 Degrees 
The coldest temperature ever officially recorded in the state of Florida is -2 degrees, which occurred on February 13, 1899, in Tallahassee, which is located about 640 miles north of Key West.

On February 13, 1899, the Great Blizzard of 1899 struck the eastern half of the United States, spreading record cold temperatures all the way to Cuba. The -2 degrees temperature reading in Tallahassee is the only time a below zero temperature has been recorded in Florida. The temperature dropped to 44 degrees in Key West during the Great Blizzard of 1899.
The difference between the all-time coldest temperature ever recorded in Key West (41) and the all-time coldest temperature ever recorded in the state of Florida (-2) is 43 degrees. A huge statistical difference.
Overall, the city of Key West has a much milder climate than the extremes found in the state of Florida. Key West has one of the mildest weather temperature climates in the world, which is why it is a major tourist destination in the Sunshine State of Florida.

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