Monday, January 23, 2017

What is the Coldest Weather Temperature Ever Recorded in Florida?

What is the coldest weather temperature ever recorded in the state of Florida? This is a weather trivia question that people living in Florida or people thinking of visiting Florida including Disney World, Universal Orlando, lighthouses, beaches and all the other great tourist attractions in the state will find interesting. 

Florida is certainly not considered a cold weather state. Despite that, the record coldest temperature ever recorded in the state of Florida is probably a lot colder than most people might imagine.

What is the Coldest Weather Temperature Ever Recorded in Florida?

  • -2 degrees on February 13, 1899

The coldest weather temperature ever officially recorded in the state of Florida is -2 degrees below zero. That record low temperature for Florida was recorded on February 13, 1899, in the capital city of Tallahassee.

How did the state of Florida ever record a below zero weather temperature? First, the -2 degrees is the only time in state history a below zero weather temperature was ever recorded. And it took a really freakish event for it to happen.

On February 13, 1899, the Great Blizzard of 1899 struck the East Coast of the United States and spread record cold temperatures all the way from Canada down to Cuba. Previously, the Great Blizzard of 1899 has spread record cold all over the West and Midwest of the United States before reaching the East Coast and Florida.

In Tallahassee enough snow fell from the event that a snowball fight took place on the steps of the state capitol building which is pictured above. Lake City, Florida received over 3" of snow from the blizzard and snow flurries were reported as far south as Fort Myers.  

How does a -2 degrees below zero record weather coldest temperature stack up vs the rest of the United States? It's ranks as the 49th coldest record weather temperature out of the 50 states beating out only Hawaii.

The coldest weather temperature ever recorded anywhere in the United States is -80 degrees below zero which occurred on January 23, 1971, in Prospect Creek, Alaska. The coldest weather temperature ever recorded in the lower 48 states is -70 degrees below zero which occurred on January 20, 1954, in Rogers Pass, Montana.

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