Monday, February 27, 2017

What's the Hottest Weather Temperature Ever Recorded in Madison, Wisconsin in March?

Do you know what the hottest weather temperature ever recorded in Madison, Wisconsin is in the month of March? The answer to that weather trivia question will probably shock and astound you as most of March is still in Winter and the record high temperature for the month is pretty hot.

The average daily temperature in Madison in the month of March is just 32.3 degrees. The record hottest temperature for the month of March is way more than double the daily average.

Weather temperatures have officially been kept in Madison, Wisconsin since 1869. So the hottest temperature record for March is from 1869 until the present day.

What's the Hottest Weather Temperature Ever Recorded in Madison, Wisconsin in March?

  • 83 degrees on March 21, 2012

That's right the hottest weather temperature ever recorded in Madison, Wisconsin in the month of March is a sweltering 83 degrees. That record hottest temperature for the month of March in Madison was set on March 21, 2012.

How unusual is a 80 degree weather temperature day in Madison in March? Since 1869, there has only been seven days when the temperature reached 80 degrees in the city. Days when the temperature reaches 70 degrees in March are much more common. 

Will the temperature rise to 80 degrees this March in Madison, Wisconsin? Since it's only happened seven times since 1869 it's unlikely but a 70 degree day is certainly a possibility this March.

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