Friday, March 31, 2017

What's the Hottest Weather Temperature Ever Recorded in Las Vegas in April?

Do you know what the hottest weather temperature ever recorded in Las Vegas is in the month of April? The answer to that weather trivia question will probably shock and astound you as April is still in Spring and the record high temperature for the month is incredibly hot.

The average daily temperature in Las Vegas in the month of April is just 64.1 degrees. The record hottest temperature for the month of April is way hotter than the daily average.

Weather temperatures have officially been kept in Las Vegas since 1937. So the hottest temperature record for April is from 1937 until the present day. 

What's the Hottest Weather Temperature Ever Recorded in Las Vegas in April?

  • 99 degrees on April 24, 1946

That's right the hottest weather temperature ever recorded in Las Vegas in the month of April is a sweltering 99 degrees. That record hottest temperature for the month of was set on April 24, 1946, and was matched on four other days. It was also 99 degrees on April 30, 1981, April 27, 2000, April 22, 2012 and April 29, 2013. 

How unusual is a 90 degree weather temperature day in Las Vegas in April? Since 1937, every calendar day in the month of April has been at least 91 degrees in at least one year in the city. So 90 degree weather temperature days are fairly common in Las Vegas in April.

When was the last time it was 90 degrees in Las Vegas in April. That was on April 22, 2016, when it was 92 degrees. There were three 90 degree days in April in Las Vegas in 2016.

Will the temperature rise to 100 degrees this April in Las Vegas and set a new record for the month? Since it's never been 100 degrees in Las Vegas in April dating back to 1937 it's unlikely the city will reach the century mark this year during the month but a 90 degree weather temperature day is pretty likely.

Since it's Las Vegas if any casino offers gambling odds on a 100 degree day in April take the under but if they offer gambling odds on a 90 degree day this month take the over.

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