Thursday, June 22, 2017

What is the Hottest Place on Earth?

Do you know where the hottest place on earth is? The place where the hottest weather temperature has ever been recorded? The answer might surprise some people because the hottest place on earth is located 2,508 miles north of the equator.

Generally, the hottest places on earth are located on or near the equator but that is not true for the absolute hottest place on earth.  The hottest place on earth is actually located in the United States which is nowhere near the equator.

What is the Hottest Place on Earth?

The place where the hottest recorded weather temperature has ever been recorded is in the Mojave Desert in the United States in California.

  • Hottest Temperature Ever Recorded on Earth is 134 Degrees in Death Valley

The hottest weather temperature ever officially recorded on earth is 134 degrees which was recorded on July 10, 1913, at Furnace Creek (see photo above) in Death Valley, California. 

For a number of years it was believed that the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth was 136 degrees which occurred in 1922 in Libya. But it was eventually discovered that a new inexperienced observer misread the thermometer on that day and the actual temperature was just 124 degrees.

There is no mistaking the hot temperatures that have occurred in Death Valley. In addition to the 134 degree day, it's been 131 and 130 degrees in Death Valley as well as 129 degrees seven other times.

That includes recent dates such as on July 1, 2013, which is over 100 years after the record 134 degrees was recorded in Death Valley in 1913. Some have questioned the 134 degree reading but the fact that it's been 129 degrees or hotter in Death Valley nine times since 1913 makes a 134 degree reading very plausible. 

Amazingly, Death Valley is 2,508 miles north of the equator. One would think the hottest temperature ever recorded on earth would have occurred a lot closer to the equator but that is not the case. 

The United States is nowhere near close to the equator, even Hawaii is 1,500 miles north of the equator, but the hottest temperature on earth occurred in Death Valley in the United States in 1913 when the thermometer read 134 degrees.

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