Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Earliest and Latest 100 Degree Weather Temperature Days in Oklahoma City

Official weather temperature records have been kept in Oklahoma City since 1890. Here are the earliest and latest 100 degree weather temperature days in Oklahoma City history since 1890.

Oklahoma City is generally regarded as a warm weather city and the earliest and latest 100 degree weather temperature data for the city would back that up 100%. 

Earliest and Latest 100 Degree Weather Temperature Days in Oklahoma City

Earliest 100 degree weather temperature day

  • 100 degrees on April 12, 1972

The earliest 100 degree weather temperature day in Oklahoma City was on April 12, 1972, when it was exactly 100 degrees. That is pretty early in the year to have a 100 degree weather temperature day. 

No city in the United States has ever had a 100 degree weather temperature day in January and not too many have had one in February. A few more have had them in March and some more like Oklahoma City have had them in April but the vast majority of cities in the United States do not have 100 degree temperature days until much later in the year.

Latest 100 degree weather temperature day

  • 100 degrees on September 30, 1977

The latest 100 degree weather temperature day in Oklahoma City weather history is at the end of September which is somewhat late in the year for a 100 degree weather temperature day. Many cities have 100 degree weather temperature days well in into late October and a few cities in the United States have had 100 degree weather temperature days into November.

Obviously, Oklahoma city can get hot early in the year and then stays pretty hot well into the fall. The city has had a 97 degree weather temperature day in October but it cools down a bit in November when the record high is only 87 degrees.

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